Season 2: Well to Table
EPISODE 1 (Part 1): Water, Agriculture, and Climate
Jordan Seger
Deputy Director of the Indiana State Department of Agriculture
Dr. Keith Cherkauer
Professor of Agricultural, Biological, Environmental and Ecological Engineering at Purdue University
Dr. Laura Bowling
Professor of Watershed Hydrology, Hydroclimatology, GIS & Remote Sensing and Director of the Nat. Res. & Env. Science Program at Purdue University
Agriculture is dependent on water, but it also has a big impact on our waterways. What are those impacts? How will climate change affect Indiana farming operations? What does the future of Indiana agriculture look like?
EPISODE 1 (Part 2): The New Agriculture
Ben Wicker
Executive Director, Indiana Agriculture Nutrient Alliance
Mike Starkey
Owner of Starkey Farms
In this episode, we take a deeper dive into the future of agriculture practices and their relationship to our water resources. Soil health, no till, crop rotations, and more--come learn more about how our most progressive farmers are changing the game to meet the challenges of the future.
EPISODE 3: Water and the Demand for Meat
Kim Ferraro
Senior Staff Attorney, Hoosier Environmental Council
Josh Trenary
Exectutive Director, Indiana Pork Producers Association
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
IDEM declined to appear but did answer questions in writing. (Link in side panel)
Recent polls suggest that somewhere around 90% of Americans eat meat. While meat consumption might be in decline, we're still eating far more meat than anytime in our history. What is the impact to our waterways of raising all those pigs, chickens, and cows?
EPISODE 4: Big Gulps - Water at the Industrial Scale
Brian Nash
VP of Corporate Sustainability, Ingredion
Catherine Zimmerman
VP of Operations and Sustainability, Ingredion
Brandon Alexander
Plant Director, Coca-Cola Consolidated
Brandi Collignon
Environmental Affairs Sr Manager, Coca-Cola Consolidated
Indiana water is used in the production of food and beverage products that ship well beyond the state's borders. How is water used in these food and beverage operations? What do companies do to reduce their usage, and how are they involved in protecting supply in the community? What does the future look like for these industries in Indiana?